HAEA has been involved in the following international projects:
- EQUAL: “Syn Praxis – Collaboration for employment”. The program, completed in 2007, focused on the upgrade of professional qualification of Employment Advisors who work with sensitive social groups.
- GRUNDTVIG – Multilateral project: “E-MODE: Engage trainers in learning MODules and matErial creation”, 2008-2010. The partnership was formed by: KEK-INE/GSEE (GR), HAEA (GR), SQL Ltd (GR), Roskilde University (DK), FSSK (BG), Scienter Srl. (IT) , Swedish TelePedagogic Knowledge Center (SE), Izmir University of Economics (TR). The main goal of the project was to determine the attitudes and practice of adult educators concerning the development of educational modules and material in the framework of distance education. http://www.emode-net.eu/project.html
- GRUNDTVIG – Multilateral project: “Development of Innovative Methods of Training the Trainers – ARTiT”, 2010-2012. The partnership was formed by: HAEA (GR), Hellenic Open University, University of Roskilde (DK), VUCFYN (DK), University of Pitesti (RO) and ABF (SE).The project aimed to the development of an innovative methodology for training adult educators, with the use of distance training, so they are in position to design their educational modules based on the systematic observation of Works of Art and thus promote critical thinking and creativity for their adult learners. www.artit.eu
- GRUNDTVIG Learning Partnership program: “Relational Elements of the Teaching Role- RETRO”, 2009-2011. The partnership was formed by: HAEA (GR), Limerick Institute of Technology (IR), Adult Education Centre of South Karelia (FI), Siauliai State College (LT), The Fullness-of-Life Academy Association (PL). The project aimed to support adult educators to manage successfully the relationships developed during the education of seniors, disadvantaged individuals, migrants, individuals of various educational backgrounds, but also in typical groups of learners. http://www.lit.ie/BusAndHum/Hum/Assets/RETRO_Manual.pdf
- Grundtvig – Multilateral project: «INTOOL: It is Never Too Late For Learning to Learn», 2012 – 2014. The partnership is formed by: ENAIP TOSCANA FORMAZIONE E LAVORO (IT), HAEA (GR), Zemgale NGO Centre (LV), Soros Educational Center Foundation (RO), LEB (DE), I.P.G (ES). The project’s objective is to develop a set of materials (Tool Box) that trainers and adult educators can use to improve their activities with adult learners focusing mainly to the development of the learning to learn competence. http://www.intool-grundtvig.eu/en
- Grundtvig Learning Partnership program: “Memory in later life: learning-supporting-developing -Memory ”, 2012 – 2014. The partnership is formed by: The Fullness-of-Life Academy Association (PL), The Frankfurter Verband fϋr Alten-und Behindertenhilfe e.v. (DE), The Courses Educational and Cultural Association (HU), The Union of the Italian Adult Education Organisations (IT) and the Association for Education and Ageing (UK)/. It aims to explore various practical memory and mnemonic rules, methods and techniques which might be implemented by teachers and seniors in order to help them perceive and use their memories more positively. https://www.facebook.com/pages/Memory-in-Later-Life-Project/438623576175435?sk=info
- Grundtvig – Multilateral project: « Innovative approaches to develop vocational Skills of People with severe disabilities- SkiP» is project addressing the individual and social needs of people affected by severe disabilities, promoting training and improving learning opportunities to avoid their marginalisation and loss of human capital. To ensure that adult people with severe disabilities reach their full potential and receive the support they deserve, qualified operators and trainers are needed to provide these individuals with self-determination skills. When people with severe disabilities can learn to advocate themselves, the dependence on other is reduced and their social integration’s choices get higher.
- Grundtvig – Multilateral project: «E-Methodics and Didactics in Adult Education – E-ducate» is a project aiming to incorporate new methods for learning in adult education system by training trainers and supporting developing and producing seminars using e-Moderation and e-Didactics approaches such as webminars and video seminars.